The babies are 8 months old!
Age: 8 months
He's wearing 12 month clothes and weighs 21 pounds!
Favorite Toy:
His all time favorite item is his Bink, of course. It's never far away from him. He still loves jumping in his jumperoo, his soccer ball, teething rings, and the ipad.
Favorite Food:
He eats anything but his favorite is carrots and apples. And he has recently started picking up the Puffs and putting them in his mouth and eating them.
He loves rolling around on the floor and playing with his sister. He loves jumping in his jumperoo, playing outside, going for walks in the stroller, and splashing in the bathtub.
He is such a good sleeper and is even a good napper now! He goes down for a nap every time we put him down for one now. Some naps might only be 20-30 minutes long, but I'll take what I can get!
He is sitting up, army crawling, and starting to try to pull himself up. He drinks from a sippy cup and holds his own bottles!
He has a little bit more hair and some long strands.
He is sweet, sensitive, cuddly, curious, playful, cautious, and so squeezable! He's still a Daddy's boy but loves to give me hugs. He loves it when we make a growling noise or "ROAR" like a lion and he tries to do it back. He watches his sister's every move and smiles at her and even makes her giggle sometimes.
Age: 8 months
She's wearing 9 month and 12 month clothes and weighs 19 pounds.
Favorite Toy:
She still cuddles with her moo moo at nap time and bedtime but other than that, her favorite toy is usually whatever Connor has in his hands at that moment. She has to have it!
Favorite Food:
She likes sweet potatoes, carrots, and apples and she hates anything green. She spits it out at us if we try to give it to her!
She is all over the place and into everything! She loves jabbering at us, playing on the floor with her brother, playing in her crib during nap time, and splashing in the bathtub. She also likes the jumperoo now that she can touch the floor.
She has her own internal clock. She is asleep at 8:00 pm every night and she wakes up at 6:00 am every morning, just like clockwork and no exceptions! On the weekends, she will usually lay back down on her own after a while and sleep until around 7:00 or so. But lately, I have woken up to find her sitting up playing in her crib at 5:00 am, but then she lays back down and sleeps until we go get her up.
She can sit up on her own, is crawling everywhere, and is trying to pull up. She feeds herself her own bottle perfectly and when she's done she lays it down and crawls away to go play.
She has a little bit more fuzz and a few long pieces up front.
She is an independent, sassy, bossy, in charge, dare devil, tough, sweet, momma's girl. She seems to have no fear and loves to be scared. She is always jabbering or squealing or saying "Hey!" and has recently started doing a fake giggle. She is laughing a lot more and us and her brother. She gets excited around people, especially if they're paying attention to her!
It's starting to get harder to keep the babies still for longer than a second! So you can imagine how easy it was to try to take their pictures for this!
Here are some pictures of how it went after the first 30 seconds of picture taking:
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