Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

This is my 300th post! And I think Mother's Day is the perfect day to celebrate my 300th post since this blog was created to document me becoming a mother.
Mother's Day has been extremely hard for me for the past few years. But this year was different, and not just because of the obvious reason. This year was a little bittersweet because my first twins that I miscarried we're due Mother's day weekend last year, so they would have been turning one. It still hurts to think about them and what they would have been like. I still wonder what went wrong and what I did to deserve that kind of loss after all the pain we had already been through trying to get pregnant.
But this year is also more than I could ever ask for because I have Chloe and Connor...

Two babies I wouldn't have if I didn't go through that first lost.
I can't imagine my life without them.

I've finally been able to experience the joy of Mother's Day and it was everything I had always dreamed of.

Motherhood is definitely a lot different than I ever imagined. It's a lot of hard work. But it's all worth it. Everything we've been through has been completely worth being with my babies every day.

Thank you David for making my first Mother's Day so special. And thank you Connor and Chloe for making me a momma!

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