Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Photo Dump, Random Rambling & Confessions

I love pictures. And I especially love pictures of my babies. I think I take at least one picture of the babies every day.  I try to print off all of the pictures I take once a month so all of my photos don't just get lost in a digital file somewhere never to be looked at. My plan is to put them all in photo albums but so far I've only finished one album. That might seem like a lot already, but I print off several 100 pictures a month, so I'm falling behind! Anyway, I was getting ready to print off my pictures taken in April and I started my May folder and was cleaning out my camera and decided to post some random pictures taken in May so far.
I also love videos. I try to remember to get the video camera out often to document the babies. Even if it's just them playing on the floor, I want to record it so we can look back at it when they're all grown up and remember this baby time. I always have my video camera, DSLR, point and shoot, and iPhone near by so I never miss a photo opp!
I find myself saying things like this a lot: "I can't wait until they roll over" "I can't wait until they sit up" "I can't wait until they crawl" "I can't wait until they walk"
But yesterday I stopped myself. Why am I wishing their little lives away!? I don't want them to grow up!
I know why I say those things...because milestones are exciting. It's exciting to see your baby do something new and to watch them learn and discover new things.
But I realized when they start doing all of these things, they're just growing up and I don't want that to happen! I want to be able to hold them forever. I want Connor to always love to cuddle with me and I want Chloe to need me when she doesn't feel good.
I want to be able to put ridiculous accessories, like sunglasses and headbands, on them without them objecting.
I don't want the baby smell to ever go away. I want them to keep bathing in Johnson and Johnson's Bedtime Wash for the rest of their lives.
I hate daycare. Period. I wish I was the one that was with them all see their smiles and kiss their cheeks.
Chloe has 8 swimsuits.
I love my babies.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are great! I love seeing their personalities through the photos and how much they resemble both you and David. So happy for your blessings!
